D3 5000mcg
Zam Zam Vitamin’s D3 will be the catalyst for your lifestyle change.
The modern man spends most time indoors, concealed by his job, hobbies, and family. As a result, the only source of light many of us receive daily is in the form of screens.
Vitamin D-3, also called the sunshine vitamin or cholecalciferol, is a fat-soluble vitamin necessary to absorb essential minerals like calcium and phosphorus that was first identified in the 20th century.
This vitamin is produced in our body thanks to the exposure of sunshine light directly over our skin. Thereby, having an indoor life and using sunscreen and protective clothing can prevent you from having the correct amount of daylight needed to produce enough of this vitamin. However, and thankfully, Vitamin D-3 can also be obtained by consuming certain foods and supplements. This is where Zam Zam Vitamin’s D3 takes place.
What are the Uses of Vitamin D-3?
Vitamin D has multiple essential functions inside our body. But the most important of them is its participation in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus.
Even though we eat calcium and phosphorus-rich foods, our body cannot absorb the nutrients correctly without vitamin D.
Therefore, these molecules are crucial elements in almost every cellular process and vital factors in bones and teeth formation. In fact, a large part of our development during childhood and adolescence is thanks to vitamin D.
Moreover, vitamin D also participates in your immune, cardiovascular, intestinal system. Also influences your pancreas, muscles, brain, and cell cycle. Thereby, it interacts with almost every system in your body, allowing you to grow strong and healthy.
The problems of Vitamin D deficiency
Vitamin D deficiency, also called hypovitaminosis D, is a common condition that affects more than 50% of people worldwide. It occurs due to the previously mentioned factors such as lack of sunshine exposure and other factors like protective elements or dark skin.
Even though we can get vitamin D through diet, obtaining the appropriate amount can be quite hard. Most natural foods that contain this vitamin are expensive, scarce, and do not provide the required amount necessary. Among them, we can find:
• Beef liver
• Egg yolks
• Fresh salmon
• Halibut
• Cheese
• Sardines
• Trout
• Mackerel
• Cod liver oil
Consequently, most times, you will require complementary supplements to guarantee the correct calcium and phosphorus absorption.
Health Benefits of Vitamin D-3
Having a good reserve of vitamin D-3 offers many health benefits. It allows you to maintain many of your body systems function. But also prevents and decreases the risk of different diseases.
Now, we present you the most significant advantages that consuming vitamin D supplements can bring to your life:
Vitamin D-3 for stronger bones.
Your bones are the core of your body and, literally, the support for every other tissue. Whether you be young or an adult, there is a high chance that multiple problems can appear in your life without strong bones and the correct structure.
D-3 is directly related to bone formation and, therefore, is also linked to bone weakness if there is a deficiency. Basically, vitamin D-3 helps you absorb the calcium you consume when it is going through your intestines. Therefore, D-3 plays a crucial role in osteoporosis and osteopenia prevention.
Also, consuming the appropriate amount of vitamin D allow you to have correct bone and teeth development during childhood.
Vitamin D-3 for mightier muscles
Thanks to the role of D-3 in muscle growth and muscle contraction, multiple studies have shown the effect of this vitamin on having greater muscle mass and strength. This could help regular workers or even athletes that need more muscle size and stamina.
Furthermore, by helping your muscles grow stronger, vitamin D simultaneously contributes to your bone structure and strength.
Vitamin D-3 for better immunity
A healthy immune system can help you prevent numerous diseases and conditions. Our bodies are continually facing bacteria and microorganisms since we wake up, which requires a prepared response system.
Studies have found that patients with high vitamin D levels through supplementary diet had less risk of having the flu, multiple sclerosis, and respiratory infections. Therefore, consuming vitamin D-3 can actually prevent you from getting sick.
Vitamin D-3 for a healthy heart
Heart disease and vitamin D deficiency are two frequent conditions that sadly go hand in hand.
Having vitamin D insufficiency has been related to cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. Therefore, consuming D-3 has a positive impact on your heart condition, avoiding dangerous systemic diseases.
Vitamin D-3 for a healthy mind
The effect of vitamin D on your brain cells is quite known. It has been demonstrated that low levels of D3 are associated with anxiety, depression, and intelligence. Therefore, researchers found that increasing D-3 amount with supplements reduces the symptoms of these diseases remarkably.
Thereby, vitamin D is also a great way to fight mental illness and keep a focused mind.
Vitamin D-3 to have a healthier body
Another plus effect of D-3 in your life is that it helps you to lose weight. Scientific evidence has shown that having extra calcium and vitamin D-3 produces a low-appetite effect. As a result, people with correct levels of these nutrients can fight obesity and overweight easier and faster while avoiding heart conditions.
If you are trying to lose weight, you should consider starting taking our Vitamin D-3 right now.
The easiest way to improve your health
Taking one daily dose of Vitamin D-3 can improve your general wellbeing significantly. This supplement will allow your body to replenish Vitamin D levels and avoid multiple diseases.
Moreover, if you have been diagnosed with D-3 deficiency, you should take a complementary intake of vitamins as a must.
Finally, try to get a bit of sun eventually, if you can. Eat healthily and visit your backyard to fill your D-3 batteries one more time. Remember that humans need the sun to not only survive but to thrive. If your mind feels clustered and your bones feel week, Vitamin D may be all that you need.
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